Do you know as a father you contribute 50% of the child’s genes (DNA) which determines the child’s sex. You’re also essential for the fun part of getting pregnant.
However, because of all your contributions, you may also be part of the problem.
While fertility has been viewed by our society as a problem unique to women, the reality is it depends equally on both men and women.
Research shows that about 50% of the time, the inability to bear children is due to male infertility.
Let’s take a holistic approach to the problem and support your spouse in your shared journey to becoming parents.
What is male infertility?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), male infertility is:
“a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.”
Why is male fertility important?
As the other 50% of the equation, you make all the difference and it’s not just in determining the sex of your future child.
Your sperm can influence whether:
- An embryo is formed
- A pregnancy is viable
- Child deformity
- Miscarriage
Did you know some cases of male infertility can be treated?
There are certain causes of infertility that are treatable.
What you eat matters!
Proper nutritional intake has been clinically proven to help male infertility.
Selenium is an antioxidant which protects our cells from harmful free radicals which can cause irreparable damage. It plays an active part in reproduction.
CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a natural antioxidant involved in many essential cell functions. It helps provide energy to our cells and has been show improve sperm motility.
L-Arginen is a crucial protein required by the body in cell division and hormone regulation. It is a precursor of nitric oxide which is required to achieve penile erection. It is also important for tissue repair and healing.
L-Glutathione is a naturally found protein which plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of our cells. It is actively involved in the regulation of nitic oxide and in sperm DNA synthesis.
L-Carnitine is a protein derivative known to help in metabolism of energy substrates in the blood, particularly fats. Research has shown that sperm count and motile sperm increased in the presence of free L-carnitine.
Vitamin E plays an important role in maintaining cell integrity, genetic expression, the regulation of crucial enzymes in our body and helps in tissue repair.
Zinc is involved in the preservation of DNA and RNA integrity during sperm production. It is also important in state function and is a crucial component of semen which helps preserve sperm.
Folic Acid is important in the production and maintenance of DNA in new cells. It plays a crucial role in the production of sperm. Optimal intake has been shown to help prevent birth defects.
If your sperm is malformed, not energetic enough or is immature; it will not be able to fertilise the egg.
So what can you do to make sure your swimmers are up to the task?
Keep your testicles cool!
Wear loose boxers and consider sleeping in a sarong. It will help your body’s natural mechanisms maintain the optimum temperature for sperm production, increasing your chances of becoming a father.
You think you’re the only one getting tipsy?
When you get tipsy, your sperm-producing cells do too. Alcohol impairs their function and you produce less sperm which are likely to be malformed. To make things worse, alcohol affects testosterone levels. This could lead to you having lower libido. How are you going to have a baby if you don’t do the deed?
Don’t smoke them out!
Research has shown that infertility issues are more common among smokers. It makes you produce less sperm and damages the genetic material of sperm.
Don’t weigh your sperm down!
Eating fatty foods will affect your sperm quality. Fats will not only affect your body weight but it will also cause a slowdown in your sperm motility.
Obesity is a form of malnutrition. Obese men have been known to produce less sperm which are less active and malformed. Being obese also impairs testosterone production which will negatively affect your sperm. Moderation is key! Exercising too much can also affect your testosterone levels. Men who are too lean are known to produce lower quality sperm.
Stay away from steroids especially if your body building! Anabolic steroids are known to impair male fertility. Prolonged use can cause your testosterone producing cells to die.
Your doctor may recommend surgical treatment for some of the conditions, others may need hormonal treatment. Often, some of these conditions can be reversed through nutritional intake and supplementation. Consult your doctor and talk to them about improving your fertility through nutritional supplementation.
Book your appointment for a fertility consultation with Dr.Gan here.
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