Early in your third trimester is a great time to think about what you will need to pack for your baby’s birth. In your final weeks you may not feel like shopping or collecting the things you would like to take. This is the time to gather together all the essentials you’ll need during labour and birth and for after your baby is born
What to pack for labour
- Details of your insurance or any medical policies you plan on using.
- Any maternity notes / birth plans.
- Dressing gown for pacing around the hospital. Hospitals can be very cold, so keep yourself warm.
- Shoes / slippers.
- Socks.
- Lip balm (all the huffing and puffing can make your lips dry).
- Bring something along to help your time pass a little quicker; magazines or books, even your favourite music would help.
- Glasses or contact lenses, if you wear them. Your glasses might fog up when you’re in the throes of labour, and you won’t be able to wear contacts if you’re having a caesarean section.
- A hairband. If you have long hair, you might want it tied up.
- Toiletries.
- Your mobile phone charger.
- 1) Usually eating before going into labour is not recommended, however packing some juice that can be a good option to give you the extra boost of energy.
- 2) You will be provided with an operation theatre gown, so don’t buy anything special to wear during labour.
For the birth partner
- Comfortable shoes. You may be pacing the corridors!
- A change of clothes (if you are planning to stay the night).
- Digital camera or video camera. It’s once in a lifetime experience, why not document every moment of it!
- Snacks and drinks. You don’t want a dehydrated, hungry birth partner looking after you and if you take some with you, they can stay with you rather than leaving the room to search for food!
- Money or a credit card for parking, and change for vending machines.
- Your mobile phone charger.
For after the birth
- A going-home outfit. You’ll need loose comfortable clothes to wear while you’re in hospital and for the journey home. It will take a while for your tummy to go down, so you’ll be still wearing maternity clothes when you come home – sorry!
- Nursing bras. Take two or three.
- Breast pads and nipple cream.
- Milk powder (in case you have difficulty breast feeding).
- Maternity pads. Bring a couple of packs.
- Nightshirt or T-shirt. Front-opening shirts or pyjamas are useful in the early days of breastfeeding.
- Toiletries, including hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste.
- Old or cheap undies, or disposable undies. They will get messy with heavy blood flow.
- Ear plugs, if you don’t want to hear your neighbours.
For your baby
- An infant car seat. Safety first, protect your precious one.
- One or two baby outfits for the trip home (all-in-one stretchy outfits are easiest).
- Baby blanket to wrap the little one if he/she gets cold.
- Extra Nappies, wipes and bags for soiled nappies.
- Hat, socks or booties, and mittens.
Note: The baby will be wrapped in a blanket provided by the hospital during your stay, therefore you do not need to bring extra clothes for the baby.
Leave jewellery, large amounts of cash and other valuables at home.
Good luck mommies!
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